What specialties do Saluderint doctors have?
You can request the services of professionals specialized in general medicine (clinicians), pediatrics, nurses, and physiotherapists. Additionally, we offer ambulance services for transfers and other services such as X-rays, ultrasounds, clinical analyses, and at-home dental emergencies.
What are the service coverage areas?
Currently, our service areas cover the following zones: Barcelona – Coming soon to other locations.
What are Saluderint’s hours of operation?
We understand that a medical emergency can occur at any time and place. With Saluderint, you have the support of our doctors during a wide range of hours, including morning, afternoon, and evening. The service is available from 8 AM to 10 PM, seven days a week. We plan to expand our service to 24 hours a day in the near future.
Are the doctors qualified professionals?
Our team of doctors and the companies that provide services through Saluderint are composed of licensed professionals affiliated with their respective Medical Associations. They are selected and coordinated by our Medical Director.
Can the doctors who assist me provide medical leave certificates?
If necessary, the professionals can issue medical leave certificates.
How can I pay for the service?
You can pay for the service in cash directly to the visiting professional or with a credit or debit card through our application.
Is the cost of the service reimbursable through my health insurance?
We are working to achieve this and other benefits. We will communicate further information on this in the near future.
Can I receive a legal invoice for the service?
Yes, the attending medical professional can provide you with a legal invoice for the amount you paid.
Is it safe to receive one of your doctors during the COVID-19 pandemic?
All our medical professionals follow health protocols for COVID-19 prevention and protection.